Why we love herbs

The right herbs can really finish a dish.  Dried herbs are tasty, but nothing beats fresh. Green, aromatic, fresh and strong: fresh herbs really add something. 

Of course you can buy fresh herbs loose from the shop, but they don’t have a long shelf life. Everyone knows that sad feeling when you have to throw away a withered bunch: when you bought it was too much, but in a few days when you need those herbs again you find a sad bunch of greenery. Shame!

Plants in pots

Fortunately, you can also buy herbal plants in pots. This way you use what you need and the rest keeps growing. And it looks great in your kitchen. But the herbal plant pots you buy from the shop to bring home wither quickly. This is because they do not get the right amount of water, light and nutrition.

Thanks to Herb Heroes, this problem is solved. Now you can enjoy your favourite flavours forever and never need to moan about running out.

Of course each herb has its own treatment. But this is a good thing because the Herb Heroes know everything about herbs.

Herbs in the spotlight


Coriander are green, fresh leaves and are used a lot in, among other things, dishes from....


Is it a grass or is it a herb? Chives are a lily-like herb from the garlic family....



Rosemary: the name is softer, gentler than the plant itself. Because you smell it as soon as you crush the needle-like ....


Thyme is a shrub-like herb and one of the oldest recorded kitchen herbs. It tastes delicious in....


Mint is a fresh smelling green herb and is famous all over the world. It is used for all kind of things: as....


Parsley is your ideal garden variety herb, that brightens up your dishes with a grassy green. Parsley is....


Basil is a great green herb that you often find in Mediterranean cuisine....


A fresh green herb with elegant twigs and a somewhat aniseed-like flavour: dill has a....